Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Family

     Every Friday night on our week long trip to the lake is family taco night. We string a bunch of tables through one of the larger camping spaces and every one brings there taco contributions. Before we dig in the family circles around the tables and counts off. We try to see how much the family grows year by year. Of course there is always some missing but the number steadily climbs year after year. There were 82 who counted off this year. We beat last year by two.
Here we all are:

(Well at least those of us who fit in the frame...LOL)

     This is just Wub’s mom’s side of the family. Not everyone is present either. In our immediate family there were three missing. Three of Wubs’s siblings that is…that doesn’t account for their significant others and children.
     Hopefully next year we’ll add one. I want a little. Right now it’s just he and me:

     All his sisters got excited thinking I might be pregnant. Without my knowledge they asked an uncle arriving late to pick up a pregnancy test on his way to the mountain. I DID NOT KNOW THIS…until the last day of camp. There was a moment during the sing-song time after dinner that they asked if anyone was pregnant. You could hear crickets. The next day I realized what had happened and the whole fam-damily knew that uncle picked up a pregnancy test for me…which I didn’t need and I didn’t ask for. I had brought my own in hope. Wubs, in our classic ability to miss communicate, thought I forgot it and mentioned it to a sister who mentioned it to another sister who asked around about who might still be coming, who then discovered the poor uncle and gave him a phone call, forcing him to trudge into some convenience store to pick up a test.
LOL…I was so embarrassed!! Nothing like family…
I tested and it was negatory.
The wait continues. At least I know the family cares (poor uncle).
     Anyway...the sing song time was complete with our own family song. They passed around the lyrics and had everyone take a pic of the sheet and pass it. Here are the lyrics:

Isn't that the sweetest? Love this family.

And I love my Wub. Look at him with baby Jov. He’s a natural.

Eep!! Be still my heart.

And look what else he can do...

Perfect coals for golden marshmallows...yummmmm....
Little chunky Levi loved the inferno...
He's the sweetest little cherub chub you ever wanted to meet:
He's all meat. Smoosh smoosh smooch. Wuv.
A girl could get used to this.


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