Thursday, March 6, 2014

Funny First Impression

     Monday our pastor texted my husband and asked us if we wanted to go see “Son of God” with him and his wife. I had just had a really emotional day of God downloading on me and had read two really awful articles on facebook. One article was about sex trafficking and the other about animals being rescued from lab testing. Honestly I don’t even want to repeat what I read in the article about sex trafficking but it was sick sick sick. The other article just pushed me over the edge though. There were about ten beagles in cages that had never been out of them since they were born except for the occasional shot or whatever other experiments people were doing on them. They were full grown and the people who rescued them were video-taping the puppies first steps out of their cages onto grass and into blue skies. It took about ten minutes for the first pup to place a foot outside of his cage. I was stupidly crying over their scared little faces. Right then Wubs walked in.
     I was angry at the depravity of man. I was a mess just totally frustrated at the fact that the world just seems to get darker and darker and darker. You think I would have really wanted to go to that movie just then but I didn’t. I wasn’t ready for redemption. I was feeling like people who do such evil things don’t deserve a God willing to die on the cross for them.  
    Wubs is so much more rational and level headed than I am but he had a similar day of God working deeply in his heart. He got a little emotional too when I just started to vent about the deep things in my heart, one of them being our extreme fear of having children. One of the things I heard during the day via a pod-cast was a word of knowledge about grace for the moment. “Some of you out there won’t have kids because you are looking at the future with the grace you have for today. You won’t get the grace you need until you step out in faith.” I shared that with him and we both agreed that we are/were being bombarded with fear. We calmed each-other down and he convinced me to go to the movie.
     I was glad I did, not only for the movie but before we went in I got to see some old friends who happened to be at the mall at the same time. Mike and Martie Straup have a bible study at the mall every Monday night…That was a fun coincidence. They are some of the best people I know and rescued me from homelessness when I graduated college (not really but they did let me live with them for two years).
     My first impression of the movie was, "Jesus looks like a cross between Orlando Bloom and Chris Hemsworth."

     Jesus was a little too handsome for me. But it was still the Bible story and it still moved me to have hope again for humanity when I was on the brink of losing it. If He could endure then He can give me the grace to.
     Tuesday night I just began reading “The Vitamin D solution”. I’m pretty sure I’m deficient in vitamin D and I’m very curious to find out just how much vitamin D I lack. The book was recommended by a health and wellness Dr. I’ve been listening to. A bunch of my friends have been following her and have been seeing rapid results in their health and wellness. I’ve actually really been enjoying learning about why diet is so important.
     I also got the first book of the Hunger Games and have been reading that. I try and force myself to read a chapter in the vitamin D book before I switch to the Hunger Games and get lost for the rest of the night. I read most of it last night. I love me a page turner.
     Andrew went to the dentist. He had a filling fall out about two weeks ago. He was finally able to get in. The problem tooth is getting taken care of…
     Kitty had a happy purr time helping me read last night…

Turn your volume way up for a laugh.

Happiness to me is a book and a fuzzy purry companion…

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