Sunday, March 9, 2014

Prophetic Creativity Festival

     Weekends always go by way too fast. Friday night I did all my Saturday errands because I knew I would be cooking most of the morning and afternoon Saturday. I made two batches of spice cake cupcakes with maple frosting, beef stew, BBQ meatballs, and a macaroni salad. I was going to try a recipe a friend suggested for healthy chocolates but I ran out of time before we had a dinner guest over. The Stew was for our dinner guest Kelly John. She’s another friend who saved me from homelessness in that awkward phase of life between college and marriage. The salad, meatballs and cupcakes were for our churches prophetic creativity festival they held today. They did a big pot-luck.
     I always get nervous when my church hosts these events. They force me to be social. I feel like I always say the wrong things or don’t know how to keep conversations going. During worship a momma in the house came over to me because she felt like she had a word for me. She said she saw a rainbow over me and the word hope. She then went on to asking me about being on the worship team again and I went into an explanation about how I need God to heal me from a whole lot of insecurities before I ever get up there again. She said like she felt she saw a hammer and God was breaking whatever was the root of my insecurity. I started to tear up. We finished our conversation just as our churches dance team got up to do a dance / skit they had prepared. I had never heard the song they were dancing to but the skit was about someone breaking out of bondage into freedom and was very moving. It represented that battle of good and evil that we must face to gain victory. What is one of the first things the “good” dancer does? She pics up a yellow flag with the word HOPE boldly written across it and waves it over the head of the person in the middle of their spiritual war. And oh yeah…what is this dancer representing the voice of God wearing? Why a head to toe flow-y rainbow dress that moves beautifully with her graceful dance…I lost it…I always forget to pack tissues when I go to these things. You think I would learn by now!! I already knew the answer when I asked the lady that gave me her word later if she had seen the dance before this morning. The answer was no. God is always doing things like this. Arranging things. Speaking clearly. Way too coincidental to be coincidence. It is not that I am without hope. It’s just that I have been (in the past!!) over this particular area in my life. I’ve felt like I would always deal with this less than, they are better than me, I guess I better go eat worms view of myself. I think it is part of why being social has bothered me so.
     We ate then another momma in the church prayed for us about the fear of having children. There is a particular song that has really ministered to me of late. She grabbed are hand and was silent for a while but began praying exactly when the song I have had on repeat the last few weeks started to play:

     It was a sweet prayer and she stopped praying just as the song ended. She said that we were hitting the reset button on things that have happened in our generational lines. That I was going to know the love of the Father in a greater measure when I had a little one to love. She had a word for Andrew that he wasn’t only a Dad but a Grandpa as well. She mentioned that it might sound weird but to me it made total sense. If you spend any time with Andrew it just makes sense. Not that he acts like an old man but the way he interacts with people I knew what she meant right away. It’s not easy to explain though. You just have to get to know him I guess. It was a sweet morning and a sweet day.

     I spent the rest of my Sunday being a little less spiritual. I finished the second book of the Hunger Games series and I’m currently on the third. I find it funny the target audience of the book is teens. The whole story seems incredibly dark. But it is a page turner so…I turn the pages…

This little sleepy marmot provided extra entertainment. 

This is an official Brewster “thing” now. It’s a little disconcerting to be stared at so from above.

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