Friday, June 6, 2014


     So I went to the dentist this week. I hate going to the dentist. I mean, isn’t that sentiment shared by all? Does anyone really like going to the dentist? Since life is a song for me I cheered myself up by singing (in my head of course) all the songs I could think of about dentists and smiling and all things related to teeth.

     I have a cavity and have to go back next week…
     I have to go back twice because apparently it was too much for them to do a dental exam and a teeth cleaning in the same day even after they told me it would be an easy clean because, “You take really good care of your teeth.” 

     Of course I do. I refuse to go to sleep without brushing…teeth shouldn’t wear sweaters.
     I also found out I have to get my wisdom teeth pulled. The last dentist I went to said it was optional. So of course, I opted out. I’m not a fan of slicing and dicing. This dentist took a little more time explaining the results of not getting it done and that concerned me more than going under a knife. This is the ditty that popped in my head after that conversation.
Side note…I’m traumatized at the thought of anyone bashing in a kitten's head…
But you already knew that.
     To calm myself I have to share the following…There has been a new happening added to Mr. Belvedere’s morning routine. He has gotten a little needy this week and has decided that he just needs a little extra momma time in the morning. So he hops up here (ignore the counter clutter please…focus on the fur ball)…

He’ll sit there for a little and then come a little closer…

Until he’s all up in my business…

When I’ve sufficiently petted him he moves to my immediate left and pops a squat. Then he proceeds to entertain himself since clearly I’m ignoring him…

Got it.
Boo’s life would be oh soooo boring if it were not for momma’s elastics…





  1. Do you remember Dotty and her obsession with Mom's sewing elestic? she would dig down the same way to get a piece to play with.

  2. Well, your displeasure is understandable. A lot of factors can be blamed for that, either poor service, inadequate facilities, as well as a lack of effort on the dental clinic's part to have a connection with the patients. All of those can either mold or shape our perception of being persistent in taking care of our oral health.

    Haleh Ashkevari @ Brockington Dental Centre

  3. I hope that singing in your head helped. At least you’ve found a way to cope with your aversion to dental checkups, instead of avoiding visits altogether. You seem to be doing well with regard to taking care of your teeth, despite your distaste for any sort of dental procedures. Keep it up!

    Byron Kennedy @ A+ Family Dentistry
