Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Screw Driver Bandit

     I can’t feel my face. Or at least half of it. It’s been numbed and I have my very first filling. Every time I go to the dentist they take one look in my mouth and say, “you didn’t grow up around here did you?” No, I didn’t. I grew up about three thousand miles away in a village known for its Springs of Richness. LOL. It’s just funny to think about the effects of what we consume…or in this case drink. I grew up with some good water!! Apparently my teeth are slightly off white-ish testimonials to that fact.
     Completely changing the subject, I keep meaning to share this pic:
I snapped a pic of his official "state" paperwork. So proud of him!!
I also snapped this pic of his big ol' fatty work van:

I remember Wubs telling me when we were first married about the desire to be in a job someday where the employee would provide the transportation. That was only five years ago. Look at him now!! I don’t think he thought it would happen this fast. Think of all the gas money we’ll save.
Thrifty wife happy dance.
This is the truck he normally has to fill once a week.

Note the finished spiffy trailer attached to the back.
He was working hard on that. Putting the trailer together and then building the frame.

Now it’s folded up in the back all ready for Timothy Lake.
     Changing the subject again because I just saw this pic on my phone:

Sweet hand towels and note my Mother in Law left in the front seat of our truck for me to find when we left their house on memorial day weekend. I spent the day cooking and I got these cute towels as an unexpected thank you. Aren’t they cute?? They are currently hanging on my stove.
Then there’s this pic:

Brewster cat chilaxin’ on the book-shelf again. His face just says it all.
And this video.
     What is he doing you ask? Wubs is stroking his long lost screw driver. I told him I was gonna take a pic so he was posing for a picture. Instead I took video of the actual “Kissy” sounds he was making to his tool. Someone ran off with it and attempted to fix her office shredder. She seems to always clog those stupid shredders. This is shredder number two and she is me. I did the unpardonable sin of not putting his tool back. If you look closely at the video the reunion with his tool did indeed involve kisses.
He forgave me once he got through all the emotions and feelings of ultimate betrayl. How could his own wife walk off with one of his tools and not put it back?
I said sorry. I promised it will never happen again…
or at least not until tomorrow when I need your wire cutters for some beading project or other.
Poor man. He’s stuck with me and he didn’t know about my forgetfulness when he married me. Good thing he’s forgiving.

1 comment:

  1. I acquire my own tools, but even they end up missing..........
