Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Luggable Loo

    This morning began with this conversation between Wubs and I:
Me: “Have you heard they are thinking about using drones for things like delivering mail and food and packages and stuff? I was just looking at my LinkedIn news feed and there was an article about one almost colliding with a plane.”
Wubs: “Yeah I have but the cost of the drones is astronomical compared to what you would pay a human to do the same job. It’s not cost effective.”
Me: “Astronomical. That’s a big word for this early in the morning. Does that have to do with the stars?”
Wubs: “Does ice cream have bones?”
Me: “Did you just ask me if ice cream has bones?”
Wubs: Speaking through a big toothy mischievous grin… “Are we gonna play this game?” (translation…ask me a stupid question and you’ll get another stupid question.)
Wubs and I: Giggle giggle laugh laugh laugh.
     In my defense the definition of astronomical is…of, pertaining to, or connected with astronomy and astronomy is defined as... the science that deals with the material universe beyond the earth’s atmosphere. Pretty sure stars fit that category. In his defense astronomical is also defined as, extremely large; exceedingly great; enormous...We both win...

     Please forgive me for the ever changing appearance of my blog. I’ve been messing around with it in an attempt to figure out why I can’t change the color of my post titles. I can if I change the blogger template but if I add a custom background I lose the ability to change the colors of my post titles. I created this custom background in an effort to match the impossibly persistent blue of my cleverly pondered titles:

     I think I messed something up monkey-ing around with the HTML code. So now I’m having these kinds of issues:

     Do you see the two different colors here? Yeah…ummm… that’s not supposed to look like that. I don’t have time to fix it tonight. Wubs wanted me to go back to Sportsman's Warehouse with him. Our camping trip is in August. He had to go TONIGHT and get some things so he can set everything up before we go and plan every detail and exact position of his tent castle and its outer “buildings”. Timothy Lake camping is not your typical camping trip. For Wubs, though he would deny it with vehemence so shhhh…don’t tell him I wrote this… it’s a little bit glamp-ish. He’ll say he’s doing all of it to make me comfortable and there would be some truth to that statement. It’s just not the whole truth. For him it’s not the comfort he’s after either. I know him. It’s more about the planning and the conquering and implementation of a master plan methodically rehearsed and played out in its entirety several times before we pull up to our dusty campsite. I’m pretty sure he dreams about setting up camp months prior to the trip. The sheer joy spread across his face tonight at the possibility of heading out to Sportman’s Warehouse was, shall I say, not reciprocated in the creases of my own. I wasn’t all giddy to spend our first night together in a while shuffling around a man store. Eventually I made up my mind to go with him because I miss him. I stood with him for twenty minutes in front of a shelf of camp showers (not an exaggeration) because I knew it would fill his love cup…He didn’t get the shower he pondered over for the better part of a quarter of an hour but his heart is full and happy and he’s in the garage as I write shuffling around some more and planning things in a giddy euphoria only a trip to a man store could give. I entertained myself throughout the evening by squeezing the very loud squeaky plastic ducks that lined the shelves throughout the store. I can find fun any-where, though Wubs might use a different word for it.
     We did not bring home a shower but we did pick up a luggable loo. Wubs pulled it off the shelf in a hurry. Then he had a problem ‘cause the cart was full with the two comfy wumfy sleeping bags we picked up. I asked, “You’re gonna move everything around so you can hide that in the cart aren’t you?” 

     There’s something about romping around a man store with a luggable loo that makes a man feel robbed of testosterone. Don’t worry though. It all came back as soon as we got home:

     Another fun thing I found:

     I want to live in it but I don’t think it would be socially acceptable. People might start distancing themselves.


  1. That IS not the luggable Loo he is sitting on is it????????????????? lol
