Sunday, May 4, 2014

Processing Hair

     Another busy weekend. Last week was a bad one for food. We ate out more than we have in a long time. I hate doing that so I spent Saturday morning meal planning. It took longer than I thought. Coupon planning, what to eat, making out a list of all the groceries I would need to buy in order to accomplish said plan…all this took me until 11:30 when I finally left the house. I ran to the library first to pick up a book that I had waiting for me on hold. A friend recommended it to me and it is soon to be made into a major motion picture. “The Book Thief” by Markus Zusak is proving to be a very good read albeit a hard plot line. Then I ran into Albertson’s to visit the ATM to pull out the weekly budget in cash for food. Side note… Wubs’s initials spell out ATM…endless jokes proceed from my lips about that fact…when I want something I remind him of his very own acronym. Then I had to run back to the house because I forgot a coupon I knew I would need later. Then I ran to the Holistic Kitty Food place because our pamper butt fury’s are spoiled with their special meat in a can. Then to Costco…I hate going to Costco on Saturday. It’s always a zoo and parking is a pain. I made it through though. Wubs has his Gatorades for yet another week. I forgot my Foccacia croutons which are the only saving grace of my rabbit food salads I make for lunch…hopefully I can make what’s left in the bottom of the current bag last through this week. After Costco I went to the laundry-mat to wash and bleach our big cozy comfy comforter. I spent an hour and forty five minutes there and dove into my book.

     Then onto Winco…yet another store that should be avoided on Saturdays but I braved the 2nd zoo and made it out with my sanity. Then Wal-Mart…the sole purpose of this trip was these:

     Again for the pamper butts. Oye the things I do for the love of Piecsilly Weisillies. Wal- Mart is the only place I know that carries these and they are part of my morning routine. Fur bottoms get up with me and follow me until I make my way down to the kitchen. Then they sit, and stare and purr until I give them their morning ration of pouncy treats. It’s my way of saying good-bye for the day. A kind of parting gift because I can’t stand their sad little faces following me to the door, which is exactly what they would do if I didn’t occupy them with cookies. They are both waiting there when I return home in the afternoon. Don’t judge me. I can’t help it. I LOVE them.
     The final place was Rite Aid which I had to go to because I had a coupon for Wubs’s contact lens cleaner. He mentioned the night before he was out and I took a mental note about it…I’ve learned the subtle mentioning of things we are almost out of by Wubs are little hints to please pick them up for him. It’s an unofficially communicated communication from him. I get it. I make mental notes. I pick up lens cleaner. He’s happy and surprised and always mentions his gratitude for me remembering. I feel loved and he feels loved and it really is the little things that become big deals in communicating love to one another….happy sigh.
     I put everything away and by then it was about four thirty. I cleaned up the dishes then started making some of my meal planned eats. I started with these.

     Two loaves of banana bread. Wubs complains that I give everything I bake away before he can have some so I made two loaves. Just for him. Though I might bring one to work tomorrow because I don’t see us eating through them both.
     Then I made lentil soup for the first time. I wasn’t expecting Wubs for dinner but he came home from work a lot sooner than we were expecting (yes he worked yet another Saturday). I was just starting the soup when he walked in. I felt like lentil soup was going to be a risk for him. I never really know what he will like. I didn’t ask but the bowl was empty on the counter this morning so I assumed it was palatable enough for him to eat. I didn’t see him eat it. He was out in the garage visiting with a friend and soldering some lamp shades. They were Tiffany style shades but the attachment at the top that held them to the lamp had broken off. He got them all fixed and they are probably way more sturdy now than they were when they left the lamp shade factory.

     Then I made these:

     Home made granola bars. They taste interesting. Not my favorite but healthier than store bought for sure.
     Then I started on cleaning the house or should I say processing the hair. My two indoor fur balls are shedding their winter fluff. I used my furminator comb on them the other day and I swear I combed three kittens worth of fur off of each of them. They seemed shocked themselves when I was through. The house needed a serious vacuum over and my bathroom, where the fur combing took place needed a deep clean. I felt 100% better when deep clean was through. I love kitties. I HATE fur.
     Today, Sunday, Wubs slept in for a much needed rest and I went to church. We had a guest speaker. Bruce Van Natta. He has a very powerful testimony of literally coming back from death after he was pretty much severed in half when a semi truck fell on him. Yes. He survived that. If you think that is anything but miraculous…well I just don’t know. He wrote about it in his book “Saved By Angels”. I haven’t read it yet but I heard first hand from his own lips the account of what happened to him. It’s crazy and he carries a powerful testimony and anointing. The message this morning was heavy but needed and was basically a call for the church, or the bride of Christ to start doing what they are called to do. Needless to say I stood when he asked people to stand and repent for anything that was taking up there time other than things with eternal value. I was so convicted about the amount of time I waste.
     Then I came home and Wubs asked if I wanted to do anything. I’ve been wanting an over the bathroom shelf for a long time. We went out and hunted for one. We poked around Target and came across this:

“What is that?”


     I don’t even know but Wubs has his fun any way he can…apparently weird chair brought on the roller coaster happy vibe.

     We picked up a few things including my bathroom shelf and then went to a sporting good store. Wubs likes to dream a little dream about the family camping trip we take to Timothy Lake every year. We perused the isles together. I hid in the sleeping bag I wanted:

     It’s for 40 below weather and needless to say it’s snuggle wuggly. We didn’t buy anything but I love watching Wubs dream his dreams. It was fun.
     Then he came home and did this.

     And the bathroom shelf I have wanted since I painted my shower room brown a year and a half ago is finally mine.
Before pic:

After pics:

     Cute no?

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