Monday, May 19, 2014

The Foreign Word Exercise

     So I’ve been thinking about this for a long time. Every time I see my doctor on my annual once a year because I have to visit she asks me if I have been exercising. I always feel a pang of guilt that I can’t answer in the affirmative.
     “No. I don’t.”
     Then I got a five minute lecture on its importance and how it’s better to do it with a friend that way the buddy system will keep you accountable. Yada yada…blah blah…hmmm… maybe she’s right and I should really do something about this. More and more I’m seeing its importance. I’ve been battling abnormal fatigue. I especially notice this problem at work but even from the day to day…I’m just tired of being tired. I’ve also been in the process of slowly amending what I eat. I’ve been taking out sugar when I can, though I admit not every time I can. This has led me to finally joining a gym after much persisting from our roommate who loves this kind of thing. I do not love this kind of thing. I always feel like an uber goober.  I can say I am impressed already by Planet Fitness. Their motto is “a judgment free zone.” I can see why they are doing so well. When you walk in you don’t see a bunch of replicas of Ken and Barbie. You see all shapes and sizes and colors and it doesn’t make you feel like fitness is unattainable. It was a really great experience. I walked almost two miles today on their treadmill and decided not to push it because I’ve tried that before and only ended up hurting myself.
     Now I can say I’ve been there and got the T-shirt. ‘Cause I have:

     I came home to find Wubs still working away in the garage on this:

      I kept hearing noises like there was something in out garage so I went out and didn’t see him…until I looked under the trailer:

     I came back inside to find Belly Boo needing some play so I pulled out a shoe lace and caught these videos:

     Isn’t he so darn cute??

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