Well, the hutch has arrived in my garage after much planning and a loss of a Friday night on Wubs’s part. He did NOT want to go pick it up tonight. I felt guilty sending him. He had the worn out look from head to toe but was determined and came home with my spoils.
He’s gonna get the corner hutch tomorrow.
This hutch is so cute!! I didn’t realize it was one SOLID piece. The top does not come off the bottom. It made it a trial to move. HEAVY is the word.
Now I have a dilemma. To paint or not to paint. Wubs kept going on and on about what a great piece of furniture it was. The lady told us it had a veneer but when Wubs picked it up he realized right away it was solid wood… no veneer. He said more than a few times, “I don’t know why you want to paint it”. Then I started to question if I really wanted to…now that I see it. I'm pretty sure it will reduce any value it might have. But I'm not sure the wood is the look I'm going for in my family room.
He decided to plant himself squarely in front of me for some reason. I think he thought my popcorn bowl might be something for him. Earl grey and popcorn.
A definite Friday night combination.
I got the two Adirondack chairs for free and they came with much assembly required. I started one last night and got confused with the directions. It required an engineers touch.
He figured it out.
Boo observed. He's a good observer.
Paint it! It is a nice piece, but it is dated, you only invested $100. Paint can always be stripped off. Painting it will only make it that much more charming to you. The Adirondack chairs are gorgeous! Are you going to use them outside? What a deal! I love that show "Call the Mid wife" It is so touching, and well done. So happy you have a gem of a husband! Even tho you will always have that argument with over painted wood verses natural wood!