Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Cupcakey Love

I LOVE to bake.
     It’s one of those things I could spend hours doing not knowing where all the time went. When I finally turn my face to a clock at o-dark thirty in the morning I am aghast at how long I have been busying myself in the kitchen. I think that's how you could label something as a passion…If you get lost while doing it then you might be passionate about just might. Forget about your family, your life and all its varied issues for a while and enjoy the moment you’re in. That’s me whilst baking. What's it for you?

     I had a simple request to make a few dozen cupcakes for a friends baby shower a couple of months ago and it turned into this.

     I won’t even get into how long it took to make those sugar flowers…but I didn’t even notice. Each one was another happy moment for me. Sheer Cupcakey bliss and sweetness.
     I try to collect those things and pay attention to them more now. Finding those things that I am passionate about and making time to grow them. Some of them, I feel like the seed is still under the soil and some of them are breaking through hard ground. I guess I am in a season of life that I’m understanding I need to do things for myself. It’s not selfish, it’s necessity. I start to feel like a robot without cupcakes and music and writing and beading and yada yada fun things…
     I was just telling Wubs this morning how it feels like all we do is work and sleep. We were trying to come up with a plan for V-day this weekend and the conversation went there. I made mention that we need to be more aware of letting moments slip away and not finding the joy in life. I can’t remember the last date we had that we actually planned and spent money on.  All we’ve done since we were married is go out and see a movie every now and then. I’m a-feared that we are becoming boring people and who wants to be boring when there is so much fun to be had.
     I have been in a season where I am changing that…hence the renewed passion for blogging. I don’t know why I stopped. It makes me happy and I learn things…Like pic-monkey things…I mean look at those photos…So cute!! They have created a monster…I will not stop till every photo I’ve taken is edited and cropped and monkey-fied.
     I will never sleep again.

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