Sunday, February 9, 2014

Winter in Portland

     We didn’t get our snow day on Friday. I called into work and they said they were opening late and to call back in two hours to see if that was the case. I called in two hours and the message had not been updated…I assumed that they were going to stay closed. An hour or two later I got a message from a co-worker that they had opened for the day but that she was not going in. I decided not to because my car was slipping and sliding on Thursday.  The weather was worse on Friday and I didn’t want to risk it.

     Wubs did go to work though. He has the car for it. He left the house at 5:30  am to make it to Salem by 7:00. He was one of the only ones that showed up for work. There were guys that loved closer that called in and said they were not coming. He got five hours in and then they sent him home early. He sent me this video on the drive home.

     He did fine and made it home safe but I wish they just gave him / us the day off. We decided to go up to his parents house and get snowed in there. I was glad we did because I got to see the opening ceremony for the Olympics in Russia. It was beautiful albeit a little “dark” at times. They had eighty foot tall floating props flying through the stadium and a projection system that lit up the whole arena’s floor with scenes. It was incredible to watch, though I felt Russia’s history got a little “candy coated” in the reenactment. The NBC announcers made sure to UN-lighten the mood and share the “facts” because you know…Russia isn’t a favorite in American politics right now. I wish they left out the bit about the architect of Saint Basil’s Cathedral getting his eyes poked out by Ivan the Terrible to keep him from ever again creating anything to rival the building. That just made me so very sad…Really did we need that bit of news just then? I just get irritated by politics. In a perfect world we would be able to see one another for the beauty in each of us, with all our differences. In a perfect world…cue the theme music to the smurfs…


I recorded our journey to Grandma’s (mom's) house…

We do well at entertaining ourselves.



Grandma’s house and Portland’s snow laden evergreens…beautiful!!

And we got to spend time with this little monkey.



He does not like his head massaged.

Uncle wubs tried to teach him how to vacuum too:


     I kind of adore him and want to take him home with me, except for the fact that the kid does not stop. From the moment he wakes up to when he goes down he is on the move. He’s adorable yet freakishly scary at times. I pulled out a knife to cut up some tomatoes and turn my back for a second, I turn around and there it was in his little fist…I almost had a heart-attack. Eep!! He giggled and ran after I wrenched it free from his grabby little hand…

     It was an enjoyable weekend and we had an un-eventful ride back home on icy roads. Andrew immediately got to shoveling all the walkways around our house. While he was doing so his truck slid out of our inclined driveway half-way into the street. Yeah…this is winter in Portland. Good times.

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