Monday, February 3, 2014

Dreadlocks and Birkenstocks

     Andrew’s pin nailer came today. He came home, talked with one of our borders for a half an hour, turned on a boring discovery channel show, and dozed off. He remained in a half slump gently snoring until he was rudely awakened by the loud “bing” of our door-bell. I know because I was rudely awakened too. I was curled up next to wubs cat napping with him. He got up out of sheer curiosity to see who it was. We exchanged a questioning sleepy eyed glance. He opened the door to discover a package on the door-step and the loud rattle of a UPS truck pulling away (don’t you think UPS trucks rattle?). It was the pin nailer that wasn’t in stock when he went to get it last Saturday. We had it shipped to our house.

He’s been in the garage for an hour now…I’m going to sneak down and video tape this phenomenon.

Andrew:     I’m learning

Me: What are you learning?

Andrew: About how to fix my tool pouch...What are you doing?

Me: Laugh laugh…

      I turned off the video and walked away without answering his question…he’s still in the garage…The fact that curiosity hasn’t made him follow me proves that tools are an even stronger pull than nagging unanswered questions. He’s worse than a cat when it comes to being curious.

     What makes the fact that he is in the garage learning how to fix his tool pouch so darn cute, is that when he pulled the pin-nailer out of the box…he hung it on his jeans demonstrating to me how he would be able to pull this new tool easily from his tool belt. These kind of things…hanging a tool on a tool belt kind of things…excite him so much that I get a mini dramatization of how it will actually be when said tool is hung appropriately. I applaud these performances because they suck me in. They make me understand a little bit more about this funny wonderful man I married. I am captivated and fall more in love. It’s like my own mini romantic comedy. Clap, clap, clap…savor moment.


Move on…

     In other news, it snowed here today!! This is news because yesterday it felt like summer. There was a bright blue sky and sunshine. If it wasn’t for the wind I would have been convinced it was June!  Portland is the weirdest when it comes to weather. In that regard we live up to all those stupid bumper stickers that say “keep Portland weird”.

     Andrew will pull up behind one of those cars and call out to them hey “dread-locks and birkenstocks… you live here. Tie-dyed hippy freak with your rice cakes.”


At which point I bust up laughing…

Seriously, how can you not laugh?

Are you laughing?


     Here’s my proof that it snowed:

And here is my current distraction…
Moving on again…
Must pause and feed the vibrating fur ball cookies.
Oh dear…I was feeding myself treats too…dark chocolate covered caramels from new seasons…and I got the hands mixed up…I seriously just ended up with a pouncy treat in my mouth.
Note to self…don’t feed yourself treats the same time you feed your kitten treats.
Yes that seriously just happened…phla pphitt phooey…grose!
Where am I going with this post? No where. Just another day in the life of me.
Entertaining no?

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