Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Funky Week

     I’ve taken yesterday and today off of work. I have just been soooo tired lately and feel like something is off. I’m wondering if I’m pregnant but I think it’s still too early to tell. I’ve also been fighting a nasty head cold. Last Saturday I was out doing the weekly errands as normal and had a little bit of a freaky thing happen. Have you ever been sitting in a car when the car next to you starts to reverse and it makes your stomach sink because you’re pretty sure you’re stopped but the movement of the car next to you trips you out and makes it seem like the car you’re in is moving?  That feeling; the stomach dropping / something feels off feeling happened exactly as I was reversing out of a parking spot in Cash and Carry. I couldn’t focus and got the peddles mixed up. I floored the gas thinking it was the break. My brain got muddled.  If I was in a narrower parking lot I for sure would have done serious damage to any car parked behind mine. I am so thankful it happened there and not at Winco or Costco. It happened again at church on Sunday but I wasn’t doing anything major. Just sitting there in church…feeling like the room was spinning for a moment. Sunday was afternoon was really busy doing a special Easter dinner for Andrew. When we had eaten I crawled into bed and fell asleep. I wanted to keep sleeping when Brewster Cat started scratching the carpet at 4:30 demanding his breakfast. I usually get up at 5:00 to make it to work 6. My body felt like lead but I pushed through and made it to work. Fighting of sleep the last three hours of work (this is torturous and embarrassing in an open floor plan office…sigh) I told myself I probably should have stayed home. So I did. I still feel off and overly tired. It’s frustrating.
     I’ve been stuck home watching “Parts Unknown” with Anthony Bourdain by CNN on Netflix. It’s an eye-opening documentary about food throughout the world and very interesting to see a little window into other cultures. I’m hooked…though at points feel like they could have left out the language and other less than colorful things you’re likely to find in any tv programming these days. But it’s still very interesting and even educational.
     I’ve also been trying to piece together a worship list for a Friday night prayer meeting this week. I was asked to play and sing / lead for it. It will be the first time leading in over a year. I’m also playing piano this Sunday and leading a song with another friend who hasn’t led in a year either. With no practice mind you, because he works nights and can’t make the usual Thursday night practices. I’m excited though. It’s been a long time coming and a big step for me getting over things that are holding me back.
     Also, today Belly Boo sat on my lap voluntarily for the very first time. Happy Dance. He snuggled there for about fifteen minutes before getting distracted by our roomy getting up and starting her morning routine. He had to go say good morning. He’s uber friendly like that.

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