Thursday, April 24, 2014

Todays Happy Thing

     I made it to work today and actually enjoyed myself. It’s amazing what a few days of will do. Did you know that in Whales they typically get three months of vacation off a year with the average job? I’ll just leave that said and retreat from coveting my neighbors across the pond and prattle on some more here on my little blog for my own entertainment…
     I also learned from that Netflix show I’ve been watching that Denmark was voted the happiest place on earth three years in a row. Their citizens get free health care and free college…but once they get a job they pay over 60% of their wages in taxes…Gulp. Again, I’ll keep my opinions to myself…and continue prattling… If my facts are wrong blame CNN…don’t tell me…’Cause I don’t really care other than…oh, never mind…I’m keeping my opinion to myself (but no one should have to give SIXTY percent of their income to their government and I kind of wonder if their government were the ones who self proclaimed themselves as the happiest place on earth). Call me ignorant of facts…again I don’t care. I just wouldn’t mind more time off for me and Mr. Man.
     Today I had a happy thing happen. One of my co-workers brought his sweety-pie kiddo over to show him what I did for work. It just made me happy…and made me want a sweety-pie kiddo of my own. So precious…got to show him how to enter music with a piano keyboard and a computer key-board. He played violin (a little) and didn’t understand the concept of harmonies yet. He was polite and attentive then they went on their way and my heart was happy for hours after-word.
     Then I came home and spent the night trying to pull together some song to lead for a two hour long prayer meeting tomorrow night. It feels foreign to me now…this worship leading thing. I’m kind of curious how tomorrow night will go. No matter what I do, what songs I lead or don’t…God will show up. He always does. He did tonight as I was preparing. So much peace He brings when I just open my mouth and praise Him.  
     Kitty fell asleep draped across my legs…I can’t imagine how comfortable my bony shins are but Mr. Boo sure makes them look so…

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